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Also, you don’t want to trap any moisture, so let the piece dry before you apply the wax coat. Only use a little you don’t want to build a film that will take 30 minutes to remove. Soap and water is the best cleaner, just avoid the scented soaps. You should spend your life not allowing oils, even from your hands, to get on your statue using them to clean it is insanity. You should never use any substance that will oxidize the metal (that is a reaction with the metal it can ruin your piece forever. The wax will protect it and not damage the piece. Once you have a statue clean, all you need to do is coat it with wax and leave it alone. Antique brass is a type of finish done on brass. Ruby said, ‘Antique brass is bronze.’ It is not. I’ve dealt with metals for over 30 years and seen people ruin both metals often. Bronze is made of mainly copper and a small percentage of tin. Some of these products can be harsh and are generally no more effective than the above polishing pastes.īrass and bronze are completely different. There are some commercial polishes available for bronze (usually in specialized stores or online).While bronze is resistant to moisture, allowing it to remain wet and air-dry will hasten the formation of patina. When you rinse your bronze items, be sure to dry thoroughly.Maintain your bronze items by regular dusting and rinsing regular care will keep your bronze looking it’s best and lessen the need for more frequent polishing.Although occasional polishing will keep your bronze looking shiny, using these methods too often may have the opposite effect, reducing the luster of the bronze finish.If the bronze item is small or has a lot of crevices and tight spots, try using a soft bristled toothbrush to rub the paste into hard to reach areas.This process, while relatively simple, takes time and patience as the greenish patina may be quite stubborn and will require a bit of elbow grease to remove.

Bronze is a copper alloy (combination of copper and tin) and when exposed to air and moisture, it will develop a greenish layer of build-up on its surface.