He survived and was picked up from a lifeboat, but his collections were lost.

On the way back his ship caught fire and sank. Charles Darwin Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c F.G.S. In 1852 Wallace decided to return to England due to ill health. Alfred Russel Wallace, codiscoverer of the principle of natural selection was also the founder of the field of biogeography. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. They set sail for the mouth of the Amazon in 1848, and Wallace spent the next four years collecting specimens and studying evolutionary change. Foundations of Darwinism Darwin and Wallace independently came up with a credible MECHANISM that could produce evolutionary changes Both men Stimulated by.

Wallace and Bates decided to pursue their entomological activities in the Amazon basin of South America. Largely self-taught, he made friends with a young British naturalist, Henry Walter Bates, who introduced Wallace to entomology. Wallace proposed a theory of natural selection as a key part of evolution before Darwin published his own work, and many of Darwins concepts duplicated Wallaces earlier writings.
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While teaching surveying in Leicester, Wallace frequented local libraries and read several major works on natural history and biology. Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace is part of our primary school Black (Level 16) book bands collection - FREE DELIVERY On Mainland UK Orders Over. Charles Darwin is credited with developing the theory of evolution, but Alfred Russel Wallace contributed to Darwins ideas. He discovered he enjoyed the outdoor surveying work and became interested in botany, animal life and the biology of his surroundings. As a young man, Wallace apprenticed in a number of trades, including surveying and map-making.